Communicate, my dream, to make it happen.

24 February 2020|Personal development

 “To every human being, two qualities have been conceded: power and gift. Power leads human beings to meet their destiny; the gift forces him to share with others the best in him. " Paulo Coelho.

You may want to, change things, move on, or take action. Do not accept the inevitability of the colossal task, you can take it one step at a time and if this first step was communication? We suggest that you see communication as a tool for the "sustainable enrichment approach".

Daily, we communicate, by written or spoken words, gestures, facial expressions, symbols, colors and images. This communication is based on the receipt and transmission of a message. It is set up when we are in the presence of one or more of our congeners.

Sharing messages allows us to meet our survival needs such as food, shelter and safety. On a social level, it participates in the construction of our identity, the development of our values, our orientations and our emotional relationships. Finally, it promotes our education and our learning.

Communication supports, the interaction of the individual and the group, which ensures the emergence of human genius, the engine of the progress of our humanity.

As my aim is action for enrichment, I will not dwell on communication which has the sole purpose of creating social ties, which is illustrated by the flow of words and the search for individual and collective. (a bit limiting, but since it’s not my intention that nobody gets upset)

Let's talk about communication and messages, which want to initiate actions and decisions in the other friend, spouse, employee, boss, influencer, client, partner ..., to create wealth.

The message is a sharing, which has its roots in the desire for individual and collective enrichment.

Our first step is to find the end, the destination and above all the consequence for us and the actors we have identified in terms of "enrichment". It is this consequence that will be the "cause" the fuel that will make you want to fight, the essence of the flame that will light and gather to create the movement of action.

The journey begins with listening. If I am aware of the wealth to which I want to extend recognition, money, esteem, love, problem solving, etc. Listening to the oral, written, tactile visual, olfactory signals of the other is necessary. They will give me the keys to know how to enrich it.

Listening established, the North Star, which will guide my actions and my decisions during the delivery of my message in order to await my finality despite the changes that may occur.

The fertile ground that will allow our message to take off is respect and humility. Which are based on the fact that the other has free will over which we have no power. He or she must be worthy of your attention, you expect something from him, so he has the power.

So, you will:

• Favor negotiation over confrontation;

• Create the environment that will limit distractions and encourage attention;

• Choose the moment when you’re listening capacity is at its maximum;

• Take a place and positions that make the other comfortable.

• Speak in short sentences, prioritizing facts over opinions and validating understanding regularly before going to the next step;

• Show that you are involved in the message, use of the “I”;

• Express your feelings and sincerity.

It is normal that you visualize how you will deliver your message and the expected reactions on which, you will base the progress of your communication. But since we live in a world full of surprise, it will not happen as you expected, and we will have to adapt.

There are three things that will help you get out of it when it starts to brew. You remember, the final destination and the consequences if you don't get there and its alternatives if there are any. second, listen, watch, feel the signals to anticipate the blows and seize the opportunities to conclude before time. Finally, your brain and your senses that you will turn on, when it gets too hot, backing up, taking your calm and understanding the new context. With the new context, the confidence in your capacities and this cause identified at the beginning, you will find your new strategy.

The company is an ecosystem made up of individuals, who interact with other individuals. Communication is one of the keys to survival. If a being can choose to become a hermit, to evolve, I can hardly see a company embarking on this path to grow.

External communication to customers will target two families of decisions, attraction and purchase, based on the visibility, value and impact of services and products. It will also help support its development by projecting a brand image, stability and sustainability that strengthens the network with partners.

Internal communication will ultimately aim at a return on human investment by relying on the achievement of results, awareness of its usefulness in the destiny of the organization, individual and collective enrichment, the active participation of collectives in development, the feeling of making a difference in society, retention and belonging.

Finally, if action and decision-making are strongly motivated by impact or consequence, communication is the bridge that allows emotion to reach reason. So how do you get emotion into this business of profit and return? In fact, it is not difficult, because it is the ecosystem where it is probably the most obvious to make a factual demonstration of enrichment.

The emotion will come back supported by a story, an anecdote we must not neglect the magic of "once upon a time ..." to put the other in context and create fertile ground for the reception of the message.

In marketing this technique is called storytelling. Do not talk about the product but tell the story of the change it will make in the life of the buyer.

As there is no good company that does not leave, I will end with a direct light on the impact of communication on the actions of humanity. Judaism, Christianity and Islam based the communication of the divine message on storytelling. Closer to home, politicians like Churchill and Obama delivered messages that made their contemporaries act.

As for the one whom history recognizes as the messenger of all the Prophet Muhammad messengers, his teaching and the delivery of his message are based on narration. It has crossed time, cultures, civilizations, races to make humanity act.

To conclude our approach of sustainable enrichment of communication. If you want to do good, make a significant change, enrich the lives of those around you, your spouse, your friend, your professional partners and even humanity, go for it.

Have faith in your message and in those to whom you then communicate, share your dream to make it a reality.

I will leave you with a new quote from Paulo Coelho:

"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to realize: the fear of failure"

If you want a different result you have to do things with a different approach, if that's what you want, you can contact us at
